31 Jan Rosewood Library on Schedule for Construction – by Darrell Giles – 24 Jan 2019 (Ipswich First)
Construction on the new $6 million Rosewood Library is expected to start late April.
Ipswich City Council’s Growth and Infrastructure Committee heard this week that the final design on the two-level library is almost complete and tender recommendation will be presented to committee in April 2019.
Council will then appoint a contractor with work to begin almost immediately afterwards.
An Infrastructure Services Department delivery progress report presented to Interim Administrator Greg Chemello noted that the revised ‘issue for construction’ package, including Building Approval, was due mid-January 2019.
Procurement activities for construction of the library will start late January 2019.
The State Government had granted council $2.7 million towards the cost of construction of the library, with council to contribute the remaining funding.
Acting Chief Operating Officer (Infrastructure Services) Cathy Murray confirmed the government had agreed to an extension on the funds until 31 December, 2019.
“It has to be built to a lock-up stage by that date,” she said.
Library Services will then move into the space and prepare for a public opening in the first half of 2020.
The artist’s impression shows a heritage style building with the main entrance facing John Street, Rosewood.
Council has put considerable work into the design phase to ensure the library building and façade are in line with the current character and streetscape of John Street.
The ground floor will include a large open plan general reading area with children’s space, customer service area, maker space and market place area.
Upstairs there will be a meeting room, two study rooms, balcony/function area, two booths, general reading and collection areas and restroom.
The development includes off-street parking spaces, a loading bay and pick-up/drop-off zone, with car parking access from Railway Street.